14-06-2016 | 15:00 - 16:00

What kind of cultural values in Japanese business etiquette should be understood in depth to conduct successful business relationships in Japan? 

This work is based on a broader research conducted by the author in Japan as a Visiting Researcher at the Institute of Social Sciences, University of Tokyo. It has two main aims.  After presenting the identified cultural values in Japanese business, the author describes some situations where misunderstandings arise and the obstacles that result from misinterpreting meanings and intentions. Then, she highlights the five essential aspects for doing business with Japanese companies, and shows the differences between doing business in Japan and with Japanese enterprises. She expounds the real and growing significance of the Japanese SMEs giving some illustrative instances of Japanese SMEs internationalization and how they worked with foreign companies. After showing the importance of doing business with Japanese SMEs, the variations between dealing with Japanese LEs and SMEs are revealed.

The webinar was targeted to EU companies seeking to improve their understanding of the Japanese business culture.

Topics covered in the webinar:

  • The importance Japanese cultural values in order to interpret Japanese actions in business
  • Identified situations in business in Japan where misunderstandings arise
  • Obstacles arising from misinterpreting meanings and intentions in Japanese business
  • Five essential aspects for doing business with Japanese companies
  • The real and growing significance of the Japanese SMEs


  • Introduction
  • Expert’s presentation
  • Q&A Session
  • Conclusion

Speaker: Gloria Garcia, Ph.D. is a researcher on Asian international relations, business and culture
Organiser: EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation - Brussels Office

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