30-08-2016 | 10:30 - 11:30

What are the characteristics of the Japanese artificial intelligence industry and market?

The Japanese government is focusing on artificial intelligence as a key for Japan’s revival as a leading technology nation. Prime Minister Abe is calling for greater use of AI and robotics as part of Japan’s new economic growth strategy. In contrast to the U.S. market, the utilisation of deep learning in AI has not yet reached mainstream in Japan. Recently, Japanese companies have started to look overseas for new trends within AI, and some companies have set up AI-related R&D bases in Silicon Valley. 

The webinar was targeted to EU companies seeking to supply AI-based products and solutions and want to understand in which direction the Japanese artificial intelligence industry is heading.

Topics covered in the webinar

  • Market overview including market potential, key drivers, trends and challenges
  • Who are the Japanese key players and what solutions are they offering
  • What are the main application areas
  • AI-related R&D activities at companies and universities
  • Where are the opportunities for European companies


  • Introduction
  • Expert’s presentation
  • Q&A Session
  • Conclusion

Speaker: Maths Lundin, SJC KK 
Organiser: EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation - Brussels Office

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