
Report: Contract Management Vol. 3 Protection of Intellectual Property Rights

About the Report

This report aims to help European companies to better understand the system of intellectual property rights (IPR) in Japan. In a globalised world, protecting intellectual property is becoming more and more important for companies operating internationally, as unlike goods, information with property value can be copied much easier by a lot of people. This report then describes the legal system for protecting IPR in Japan. A system that has seen a particular development in recent years as the government stepped up their efforts in order to reactivate the country’s economy by supporting new inventions and the creation of content. The report highlights the different types of intellectual property rights in Japan and provides examples of how to use these rights for business situations.

About the Expert:

Mr Michio Matsuzaki is an administrative lawyer and Senior Counsel at Matsuzaki General Counsel Office. Click here to access his profile.

Picture: Todai-ji
Copyright: EU-Japan Centre's private archives


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