
Report: Nanotech Cluster and Industry Landscape in Japan

About the Report  

This report aims to provide an overview of the Japanese nanotech sector, its structure and the industry landscape. The author has had a European and business oriented perspective on Japan, therefore this report is perhaps more suitable for European nanotechnology companies potentially planning to enter the Japanese market. This report allows the reader to acquire an understanding of the structure of the nanotechnology sector in Japan, as well as the key government and research bodies, clusters, pointing out how to enter the market, etc. In the last part of the report one can find the nanotechnology industry landscape and in the annexes a broad database of Japanese companies that have activities in nanotechnology.

Please go to the EU-Japan website, to get the access to this report.
The report has been released within Minerva Fellowship framework managed by the EU-Japan Centre.

Report published by the EU-Japan Centre.

Picture: Japanese highly efficient fuel cell vehicle "Miracle Nenryo Denchi-kun" developed by Tokai University
Picture copyright: Wikipedia under the GNU Free Documentation License

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