About the Report
Japan’s robotics market, known for its technological advancements and precision manufacturing, presents significant opportunities for European companies. As a global leader in industrial robotics, Japan offers a dynamic market driven by its ageing population, labour shortages, and increasing demand for automation across sectors such as manufacturing and agriculture.
The purpose of this report is to evaluate the current status of the industrial robotics market in Japan. It offers insights into market trends and developments, specifically targeting EU-based small- and mid-sized companies that manufacture industrial robots and related products. These companies may be looking to enter the Japanese market or strengthen their existing presence in Japan. This report also aims to inform other stakeholders in the value chain, including exporters.
About the Expert
Maths Lundin, founder of Sweden Japan Consulting Co., Ltd. (SJC KK), has more than 35 years of business experience spanning sectors like home appliances, food service equipment and nanotechnology. In 2008, he founded a consulting firm to assist Swedish and other European companies in establishing operations in Japan.
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Joint venture established in 1987 by the European Commission (DG GROW) and the Japanese Government (METI) for promoting all forms of industrial, trade and investment cooperation between the EU and Japan.
The EU-Japan Centre’s activities are subject to the allocation of a Grant Agreement by the European Commission for 2024-2026