
Report: Virtual and Augmented Reality Market in Japan

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality are still a nascent industry worldwide, but Japan is already a primary market and an innovator particularly in the gaming field. This report titled "Japan's Virtual and Augmented Reality Market" aims to act as a guide for this recent industry in Japan, and to locate opportunity spaces for European entrepreneurs and investors to connect with the market. This report provides a broad overview of the Japanese VR & AR sector, setting out the key activities that Japanese VR & AR companies have been involved with in recent years. Moreover, the report looks at the internationalisation of the Japanese VR & AR sector, specifically covering the activities of foreign companies in Japan and observing how Japanese companies have expanded overseas or how they plan to expand overseas to seek out new growth opportunities. Lastly, this report provides various recommendations to EU companies for a successful market entry.

About the Expert:

Laurene Oudart is working at Tokyoesque as a project manager and has a background in management, marketing and Japanese studies. She lived in Tokyo where she completed the Japan Market Expansion Competition in 2016, and holds a Master’s degree in International Management for Japan gained at SOAS.

The recording of the past webinar covering this topic is available for online viewers here(Once you are logged in, look for the link below the "After event information") 

Picture: Pokemon go, street
Copyright: From public domain

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