

This section contains a wide variety of information on Japan's leading industries and sectors.

Japan’s aerospace industry has a strong international reputation, particularly in the field of research and development (R&D). Recently, however, it has shifted its focus from R&D to the...
Japan has a severe shortage of arable land, covering only 11% of Japan’s total territory. The country’s self-sufficiency rate currently stands at 39%. The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and...
The automotive sector currently employs over 5.45 million people in Japan and is worth some 47.3 trillion yen. Both its exports and imports (mainly from the EU) are currently increasing despite...
Japan has one of the most developed biotechnology sectors in the world, as evidenced by the high number of patents filed. Although the number of bio venture start-ups peaked in 2006, several foreign...
The outlook of the Japanese construction sectors is brighter than it has been for years. The Japanese Government has pledged to stimulate the domestic economy through numerous public works projects...
For many decades, Japan’s electronics industry was the richest and most innovative sector in the global electronics market. However recent evidence suggests that Japanese companies are losing their...
Japan relies heavily on imports to meet its energy requirements because of a scarcity of natural resources. It is estimated that imports cover 80% of Japan’s primary energy needs. In terms of domestic...
This section gives an overview of Japan’s environmental policies and the current state of its green technology and recycling sectors that could offer opportunities to EU companies. Find out more about...
Surrounded by nearly 30,000km of coastline, Japan’s geographical conditions are very favourable for fishing. It is therefore no surprise that Japan produces a total of 4.4 million tonnes of fish per...
Food & Beverage
Japan’s agricultural sector suffers from a combination of low productivity, high and distortionary levels of agricultural support (which places a burden on Japanese consumers and taxpayers) and a...
Forestry & Paper
Japan is attempting to revitalise its forestry sector, which has been damaged by a rural exodus and the prevalence of cheaper foreign materials. The sector is therefore expected to grow in the coming...
Healthcare & Medical
Japan has quickly become a world leader in healthcare by several measures, and has enjoyed particular success in increasing Japanese life expectancy. Central to Japan's approach has been the objective...
Information Technology
The Japanese IT industry is a key driver of global economic growth. Although Japan has lost its once-dominant position in the global IT industry and is facing increasing competition from foreign firms...
The entertainment industry in Japan has traditionally been characterised by youth-based content. With the ageing Japanese demography, the sector is now in a phase of transition as it seeks to adapt to...
Luxury Goods
Japan is the world’s third largest economy and its consumers are renowned for their strong desire for excellent-quality, precision products. There is therefore no surprise that demand for luxury goods...
Machinery is the industrial manufacturing sector that produces machines and components for other machines. It is, by definition, a very broad sector that ranges from products for daily use, such as...
Materials & Chemicals
The materials sector is wide and diverse, as it encompasses countless other areas such as the steel industry, nanotechnology, chemistry and optical networks. Cooperation among different actors and...
Just as in the rest of the world, the media industry in Japan is going through an increasingly rapid transformation due the arrival of new technologies such as smartphones and iPads, as well as the...
The Japanese nanotechnology market was worth $33 billion in 2005 and is expected to increase to more than $310 billion by 2030. Japan is leading the world in nanotechnology by fostering collaboration...
Optics & Photonics
The global camera industry is in a state of rapid evolution in which Japan is consistently a leading market and innovator. Mirror-less hybrid cameras, DSLRs, and compact interchangeable-lens cameras...
Security & Insurance
Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution prohibits the existence of Japanese military forces. Japan has a treaty of mutual cooperation and security with the United States, which commits the US to...
Japan’s domestic production of clothing materials such as leather, yarns and textiles has been in decline for several years, resulting in a downward trend in the volume of imports. China is the...
Japan has a vibrant tourism market and is becoming an increasingly attractive destination for international travellers. Find out more about Japan's tourism sector below.
Organisation of logistics is one of the most important steps that an enterprise has to consider. This involves activities that concern the process of planning, implementation, and controlling the...
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