
Gifu Prefecture


Prefecture flag

Main City: Gifu

Population:  2,033,000 people ranking 17/47 prefecture (2015) [1]

Area: 10,621 km2 [2]


Geographical / Landscape description

One of the few landlocked prefectures in Japan. In the Hida Region, located in northern Gifu, mountain peaks exceed 3,000 metres above sea level.  In contrast, in the Mino Region, situated in southern Gifu, the Kiso, Nagara, and Ibi Rivers flow into the Nobi Plain. [2]


Because the Mino region is surrounded by low mountains, the temperature fluctuates through the year, from hot summers to cold winters. Many temperature records of Japan are registered in that area. In the opposite, the Hida region is more famous for its harsh winters, bringing extremely heavy snowfall. [2]

Recent history, culture

Historically, the prefecture served as the centre of sword making in all of Japan, and with a 700 year old tradition, the city of Seki has been nicknamed the “city of swords” and is thought to make the best swords in Japan. Every year all major kendo experts meet in Seki for an annual competition. [2] [3]


More chapters:

  • Economic overview
  • Infrastructure
  • Living environment
  • Major types of economic activities
  • Opportunities for EU Investors / Exporters / Importers
  • Setting up a business in the prefecture
  • Other contacts


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1 EUR = 155,991 JPY