

Aichi Prefecture


Prefecture flag

Main City: Nagoya

Akita Prefecture

akita flag

Prefecture flag 

Main City: Akita

Aomori Prefecture


Prefecture flag

Main City: Aomori

Article: 2020 Olympics in Tokyo

Article written by Nathalie Cavasin, NC Con

Article: Why Europe and Japan need an EPA

Article written by Philippe Huysveld, CEO

Chiba Prefecture

chiba prefecture

Prefecture flag 


Although the Chubu area only comprises about 10% of the national area in geographical terms, it accounts for 20% of the nationwide share in shipments of manufactured goods and is a catalyst driving Japanese economy with its manufacturing base.


The Chugoku Region is located in the western part of Japan. It borders the regions of Kyushu, Shikoku and Kansai, making it a transportation hub for all of western Japan.

Economic Overview
Third largest economy in the world, Japan had a GDP worth 539,071.6 billion JPY in 2020.
Fukui Prefecture


Prefecture flag

Main City: Fukui

Fukuoka Prefecture

Fukuoka flag



Prefecture flag

Fukushima Prefecture

yamagata flag

Prefecture flag 

Gifu Prefecture


Prefecture flag

Main City: Gifu

Gunma Prefecture

gunma flag

Prefecture flag 

Hiroshima Prefecture

Hiroshima flag



Prefecture flag

Hokkaido Prefecture

hokkaido flag 


Prefecture flag

Hyogo Prefecture

Hyogo flag



Prefecture flag

Ibaraki Prefecture

ibaraki flag

Prefecture flag 

Ishikawa Prefecture


Prefecture flag

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1 EUR = 155,991 JPY