
Kyoto Prefecture

Kyoto flag



Prefecture flag

Main City: Kyoto

Population: 2,610,000 people, ranking 13/47 prefecture (2015) [1]

Area: 4,612 km² [2]


Geographical / Landscape description

Kyoto Prefecture is located almost in the centre of Honshu and of Japan. The prefecture is separated along the middle by the Tanba Mountains. [2]


The presence of mountains in its centre makes the prefecture’s climate very different with a snowy north and warmer south. [2]

Recent history, culture

As the historic capital of Japan for more than 1000 years, Kyoto is the heart of traditional Japanese culture, born and developed within the walls of the imperial court and its aristocratic structure. Unsurprisingly, it is a must see place for foreign tourists in Japan. Kyoto’s culture and beauty cannot be summarised in just a few sentences so please refer to the many websites and publications about Kyoto for further information. [2]


More chapters:

  • Economic overview
  • Infrastructure
  • Living environment
  • Major types of economic activities
  • Opportunities for EU Investors / Exporters / Importers
  • Setting up a business in the prefecture
  • Other contacts
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1 EUR = 155,991 JPY