07-11-2017 | 10:00 - 11:00

What approaches are taken by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG) to attract foreign companies to Tokyo?: Tokyo’s market trends and business support provided by the TMG with particular focus on companies related to the 4th industrial revolution and finances 

Aiming to revitalize Tokyo’s economy, the TMG has been advancing efforts to attract foreign companies from various sectors. The TMG is currently focusing on measures to attract foreign companies related to the fourth industrial revolution, such as IoT or AI, which could help address the labour shortage, as well as companies from the financial sector, such as FinTech and Asset Management, in order to achieve the goal of establishing Tokyo as a global financial city. There are many business opportunities available in Tokyo, especially for companies in these two fields. However, a lot of foreign companies or entrepreneurs, especially from EU, seem to believe that there are various hurdles to setting up a business in Japan, such as language, culture and business practices. In order to lower these hurdles, Tokyo offers various kinds of business support services including consulting and assistance in administrative procedures, tailored to meet the specific needs of each overseas company. Many of these services are available to companies abroad via email and telephone. During this webinar you will learn more about the assistance provided by the TMG and how to contact its support desks to take the first step toward starting your business in Tokyo. 

The webinar is targeted to EU companies and entrepreneurs, especially those related to the fourth industrial revolution and finances, who seek information about Tokyo’s market trends and business support provided by the TMG for the establishment of business in Tokyo. 

Registration deadline: 06/11/2017

What you will learn during this webinar:

In 40 minutes from your desk, you will discover:

  • Information about markets related to the fourth industrial revolution and financial business markets in Tokyo
  • Details about the various business support services and assistance in administrative procedures offered by the TMG
  • Contact information on the support desks and introduction to the “Invest Tokyo” website, which provides the latest information on TMG support programs


  • Introduction
  • Expert’s presentation
  • Q&A Session
  • Conclusion

Tomoe Otsuka is the Director for Attraction of Foreign Companies at the Office of the Governor for Policy Planning, Tokyo Metropolitan Government.
Masahiko Kidera is the Director for Global Financial City Project at the Office of the Governor for Policy Planning, Tokyo Metropolitan Government. 
Clémence Knaébel is a Counselor at Access to Tokyo in Paris.
Organiser: EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation - Brussels Office

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