

EPA & SME chapter, technical barriers to trade & trade facilitation aspects
The EU-Japan EPA offers business opportunities for SMEs as it facilitates trade and reduces costs.
Factsheet: EPA & SMEs

About the Factsheet

For SMEs

On this page, Small and Medium sized Enterprises will find information on specific European Commission funded supports which they can benefit from when starting or doing business with Japan.

Report: Access to funding and financing Support for EU SME’s Internationalization to Japan

About the Report 

Report: Cultural Approach to Dealing with Japanese Business
This report provides with an overview of Japanese business culture with a focus on differences that occur between SMEs and large companies.
Report: Financing Sources for EU SMEs in Japan
This report examines the possibilities of financing coming from many sources of potential support.
Report: Japanese acquisitions of European companies
This report outlines how managers in European SMEs might prepare for acquisition by a Japanese company and the reasons of these acquisitions in Europe.
Report: Japan’s Private Equity and Venture Capital Landscape for EU SMEs and Start-ups
The capital market for SMEs and start-ups consists of several segments, ranging from SME lending and crowdfunding to business angels and venture capital markets.
Report: Opportunities for EU SMEs in Japan’s Prefectures and Cities
This report provides an overview of existing opportunities for EU SMEs in Japan's prefectures and cities.
Report: Opportunities in Japan's Prefectures and Special Economic Zones

About the Report

This report, titled "A Practical Gu

Success Story in Japan of the British Biotech SME Sphere Fluidics

Success Story: Formosa Gourmet / SME

Formosa Gourmet – from Portugal

Formosa Gourmet is a gourmet food

Success Story: Remembrane SrL / SME / Patience is a key word when dealing with Japan

Remembrane SrL – from Italy

“Patience is a key word when d

Success Story: Sphere Fluidics / SME / Finding partners in Japan

Sphere Fluidics – from the UK

Sphere Fluidics is a British Life Sc

Success Story: Tapflo / SME / Set up a branch in Japan

Interview with Håkan Ekstrand, CEO and Managing Director of

Success Story: Think Silicon S.A. / SME

Think Silicon S.A. – from Greece

Think Silicon S.A.

Webinar 100: Differences between Japanese and European management

How can managers in European Small-and-Medium-sized Enterprises prepare f

10:30 - 11:30
Webinar 103: The Japanese Startup Ecosystem: Opportunities for EU Collaboration

How has the Japanese startup ecosystem developed, and what are its featur

10:30 - 11:30
Webinar 106: Invest Tokyo: The Tokyo Metropolitan Government Initiatives to Support Foreign Companies and Entrepreneurs

What approaches are taken by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG) to a

10:00 - 11:00
Webinar 173: Japan Private Equity and Venture Capital Landscape: Opportunities for EU SMEs and Start-ups

What business opportunities does the Japanese venture capital and pri

10:30 - 11:30
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1 EUR = 156,036 JPY