06-05-2014 | 10:30 - 11:30 Brussels time

How can we search Japanese patent information online and understand the information retrieved?

No prior knowledge of the Japanese patent system, patent documentation or available sources required.

Japanese companies continue to file a steady number of around 350 000 patent applications per year – a huge repository of prior art which European industry simply cannot afford to ignore. This is especially true for those technological areas where Japan is particularly strong.

This webinar will help you get to grips with patent information from Japan. We will highlight country-related specifics of the patent system, including recent changes. Furthermore, you will learn how to distinguish between different types of Japanese documents.

The main focus will be on practical advice on searching Japanese patent information online, free-of-charge. Some of the data can only be retrieved when using the Japanese interface of the Japan Patent Office’s official database. With a few tips, this can easily be done without knowledge Japanese.

The webinar is targeted at EU companies seeking to retrieve and understand technological information from patent documents, e.g. in order to monitor the applications of Japanese competitors

Registrations are open until the 02/05/2014 included.

What you will learn during this webinar?

In 40 minutes from your desk, discover how to:

  • decipher Japanese patent document types and number formats
  • search for Japanese patent documents online
  • access English machine translations of Japanese patents
  • retrieve additional patent data, such as legal status and citation information


  • Introduction
  • Expert’s presentation
  • Q&A Session
  • Conclusion

Speaker: Dr. Jutta Hausser, Asian Patent Information Services, European Patent Office (EPO)
Organiser: EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation - Brussels Office

After Event Information


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