11-09-2018 | 10:30 - 11:30

How is Japan’s regulatory stance efficiently incorporating fintech into Japan’s economic landscape?

Consisting of numerous and diverse fast-growing segments, the fintech industry is fast becoming a vital industry across the world’s key markets. As a technological leader, Japan is an emerging player in the fintech landscape. Japan is one of the foremost DLT markets, while aggressive growth in numerous market segments including the robo-advisor, PFM, and fintech lending industries give rise to a potentially lucrative market landscape. Japan’s regulatory stance aims to efficiently incorporate fintech into Japan’s economic landscape. Steps are being taken to establish a regulatory framework, as outlined in Japan’s official communications. Given the size of Japan’s financial market, this provides opportunities to international firms hoping to enter the market. Opportunities arise in numerous areas, with different implications for each market segment.

The webinar is targeted to European SMEs seeking to enter, invest, or establish a foothold in Japan’s fintech market landscape.

Registration deadline: 10/09/2018

What you will learn during this webinar?

In 40 minutes from your desk, discover how to:

  • Discern from among the various segments of the fintech industry
  • Understand regulatory approaches to fintech, and understand Japan’s regulatory stance
  • Gain insight into Japan’s areas of growth, and areas of established specialization within the fintech industry
  • Gain insight into the major players in Japan’s fintech industry landscape


  • Introduction
  • Expert’s presentation
  • Q&A Session
  • Conclusion

Max Berre is an economist and journalist with years of Japan-related experience. He has expertise in practical methodology relating to the financial markets and tax and finance regulatory evironments. 
Guillermo Aguirre has an accounting degree and is currently enrolled in a financial engineering masters programme at the university of Nice. His experience has allowed him to practice financial investments evaluation and mostly accounting and management counseling, as well as controlling tasks. 
Moderator: Gwenael Beauvais - Business Support Coordinator, EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation
Organiser: EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation - Brussels Office

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