04-05-2021 | 10:30 - 11:30 CET

By sending expatriates to Japan, the headquarters will have a better understanding of the Japanese market and improve communication with the local employees

What are the important steps and practical elements to keep in mind for expatriates before departure and upon arrival in Japan?

This webinar is prepared for expatriates and human resource staff to secure a smooth transition to Japan. It is explaining matters such as taxes and social security systems as well as the cost of living in Japan. It is is divided into 6 steps:

  1. "Who should be sent to Japan"
  2. "Initial decisions and preparations"
  3. "Pre-Japan preparations"
  4. "Things to prepare before leaving the home country"
  5. "Upon arrival in Japan"
  6. "Living in Japan"

The webinar is targeted to HR managers and staff to be sent to Japan as expatriate.

In 40 minutes from your desk, discover:

  • Who should be sent to Japan?
  • What are the preparations necessary before leaving and after arriving?
  • What is life in Japan as an expatriate?
  • What are cost of living in terms of housing, taxes, social security, etc.?


  •     Introduction
  •     Expert’s presentation
  •     Q&A Session

Speaker: Sven Eriksson, founder of Keison International. Spent more than 40 years in Japan, the last assignment was vice President of Ericsson in Japan with responsibility for new business development. Retired in 2012 and now, together with some old colleagues, helps small and medium size European companies to enter the Japanese market. Due to more than 40 years of experience in Japan, Sven has strong relations both in academic and business circles, speaks Japanese fluently and belongs to local chambers of commerce.
Moderator: Pauline Laloux, Business Support Coordinator, EU-Japan Centre
Organiser: EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation - Brussels Office


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