17-02-2015 | 10:30 - 11:30 GMT +1

How Can SMEs take advantage of Japan’s newly established Special Economic Zones? Where are the opportunities?

In 2013, Japan’s recently elected government enacted an aggressive three-pronged growth strategy. The strategy, which consists of fiscal stimulus, monetary stimulus, and business law reforms, was received with much initial fanfare in both the press and the markets.

So far, business law reforms have taken the form of Special Economic Zones (SEZs), the policy idea being to use the zones as a testing-ground for future potential economic policy and legal reforms in Japan at large.

For European firms –SMEs in particular – the situation becomes a question of which types of firms have the ability to insert themselves into Japan’s new market reality, capitalizing on the stimulus-fuelled spike in market confidence, the special laws and support available in the zones, and their comparative advantages.

This webinar is targeted at: European SMEs seeking to capitalize on Japan’s new Special Economic Zones in order to access Japan’s marketplace

What you will learn during this webinar?

In 40 minutes from your desk, discover how to:

  • Identify where the opportunities for European SMEs are to use the zones to capitalize on European comparative advantages
  • Gain specific insight on each of the six new SEZs


  • Introduction
  • Expert’s presentation
  • Q&A Session
  • Conclusion


Speaker: Max Berre (the Knowledge House Maastricht) - BERRE Max assisted by Chieko NAKABAYASHI (the United International Business Schools) -NAKABAYASHI Chieko
Organiser: EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation - Brussels Office

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