
Nagano Prefecture


Prefecture flag

Main City: Nagano

Population: 2,100, 000 people, ranking 16/47 prefecture (2015) [1]

Area: 13,585 km2 [2]


Geographical / Landscape description

Nagano is an inland prefecture within 200 km of the Tokyo metropolitan area. The province's mountains have made it relatively isolated, and many visitors come to Nagano for its mountain resorts and hot springs. Nine of the twelve highest mountains in Japan can be found in Nagano.

As of 1 April 2012, 21% of the total land area of the prefecture was designated as Natural Parks. [2]


Nagano's climate typically features a large span between daily high temperatures and daily lows. Nagano has a dry climate, with one of the lowest annual precipitation rates in the country. There is a distinct difference in snow accumulation amounts within the prefecture. Northern Nagano has many days of snow, while the lowlands of Central and Southern Nagano have a drier atmosphere with sunnier days. [3]

Recent history, culture

The prefecture is symbolized by the Japanese Alps, which were so named by English mining engineer William Gowland in his publication of 1881 in reference to the Alps of Europe. Nagano hosted the XVIII Olympic Winter Games in February 1998. [4]


More chapters:

  • Economic overview
  • Infrastructure
  • Living environment
  • Major types of economic activities
  • Opportunities for EU Investors / Exporters / Importers
  • Setting up a business in the prefecture
  • Other contacts


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1 EUR = 155,991 JPY