

'About Japan' webinar series 196: Sports equipment market in Japan
What business opportunities are there for EU SMEs in the Japanese sport equipment market? How can I enter and grow my sports business in Japan?
10:30 - 11:30
'About Japan' webinar series 199: Pet Products market in Japan
What business opportunities are there for EU SMEs in the Japanese pet products market? How can I enter and grow my pet business in Japan?
10:30 - 11:30
About Tourism

 Latest update: May 2024 


Table of Contents


 Latest update: April 2023 

Although the global music industry has mostly shifted towards the digital era of streaming and downloads, Japan has only just begun to catch up with this trend.

Pet Products
The Japanese pet market is highly directed towards dogs and cats, they had an ownership share of 11.5% and 10.1% respectively (2019). Related to them we can find a wide variety of supplies (toys and food) and services. During the fiscal year 2022, the pet industry retail value was worth over 1.65 trillion yen.
Report: Pet Market in Japan

About the Report

This report provides an analysis of the pet market in Japan.

Report: Pet Products Market in Japan
Japan’s pet industry is one of the largest in the world, worth over JPY1.65 trillion (Euro1.2 billion) at retail value. Unlike many product categories in Japan, pet products are unusual since foreign manufacturers, especially in pet food, have the largest market shares rather than domestic Japanese companies.
Report: Recent Evolution of Japanese Outbound Tourism and Recommendations for EU SMEs
The main purpose of this report is to analyse factors affecting travel of the Japanese citizens to Europe, and present useful recommendations for the representatives of the tourist industry.
Report: Software & Video Games

About the Report

This report examines the Japanese video games industry.

Report: Sports Equipment Market in Japan
The sports equipment market in Japan is worth over Euro 11.9billion. Although the market’s growth dipped during the pandemic, it is now rebounding quickly.
Japan seems to be a country hungry to increase sports and the sports industry within Japan. In 2011 it formulated its first ‘Sport basic plan’ that aimed at promoting sports among different age groups, enhancing international exchanges, competitiveness.
Toys & Gadgets

 Latest update: June 2022 

Webinar 172: Recent Evolution of Japanese Outbound Tourism and Recommendations for EU SMEs

What are the opportunities for the EU SMEs interested in the Japanese

10:30 - 11:30
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