
Success story

Success Story in Japan of the British Biotech SME Sphere Fluidics

Success Story: CYBERNETICA / HRTP / Get ready for Japan / successful cooperation
Cybernetica is an R&D company in the field of ICT, a developer and manufacturer of hardware and software systems, a system integrator and information security competence center.
Success Story: Formosa Gourmet / SME

Formosa Gourmet – from Portugal

Formosa Gourmet is a gourmet food

Success Story: Metabolomic Discoveries / SME / Local sales representative to identify new potential partners

Metabolomic Discoveries - DE

“Local sales representative t

Success Story: Remembrane SrL / SME / Patience is a key word when dealing with Japan

Remembrane SrL – from Italy

“Patience is a key word when d

Success Story: Simune / SME / already international and seeking to grow

Simune Atomistics S.L.

Success Story: SmartMembranes / SME / Increase sales
Manufacturer of high-ordered porous materials from alumina and silicon and adjustable membrane properties.
Success Story: Sphere Fluidics / SME / Finding partners in Japan

Sphere Fluidics – from the UK

Sphere Fluidics is a British Life Sc

Success Story: Tapflo / SME / Set up a branch in Japan

Interview with Håkan Ekstrand, CEO and Managing Director of

Success Story: Think Silicon S.A. / SME

Think Silicon S.A. – from Greece

Think Silicon S.A.

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